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  4. Device station | Solenoid valve
  5. CC-Link IE Field compatible serial transmission device unit


CC-Link partner product information

CC-Link IE Field|Device station|Solenoid valve

CKD Corporation

CC-Link IE Field compatible serial transmission device unit

Thin serial transmission device unit directly connected to solenoid valve manifold. M12 connector is adopted to support IP65/67. 32 point output。


  • ● Footprint can be reduced by the solenoid valve manifold close contact structure.
    ● Output mode can be selected if a communication error occurs.
    ● Communication power supply and valve power supply are separated, making maintenance easy
    [device unit]
    Authentication class: Class B
    Communication speed: 1Gbps/100Mbps
    [Solenoid valve]
    Cylinder bore size: to ø 80
    Valve size: 10mm, 16mm
    Service life: 120 million cycles (under our regulated conditions)
Type of station or product category Remote device station
Safety Communication Function
External dimensions W:62mmL:132mmH:83mm
Mass 280g
Standard Price


   English version    0x0104_OPP8_CC-Link_IE_Field_series.cspp.zip


  • 250, Ouji 2-Choume, Komaki, Aichi
    485-8551 Japan
    CKD Corporation
    FA Solution Sales Department
    phone : +81-(0)568-74-1338
  • URL: https://www.ckd.co.jp/english/