
CC-Link partner product information

CC-Link|Device|Digital I/O


AB023-C1 CC-Link Bit Distribution I/O

This is a CC-Link system digital I/O. This digital I/O has a reduced wiring function, allowing to mount various types of I/O terminal on needed place as needed. With a large variety of compatible I/O terminals, a maximum of 512 points for I/O are supported on up to 128 I/O terminals, which have minimal point dispersion.


  • Flexible assistant to connection of sensor and actuator signals scattering in CC-Link system
  • Wiring is reduced in the wiring section of the drive system to improve reliability in connection and reduce total cost.
  • Reduced wiring not requiring cable designation is adopted for I/O expansion. Up to 128 I/O units can be connected with general-purpose cables.
  • The number of stations occupied in the CC-Link digital I/O system is reduced. Four stations in the conventional system can be reduced to only one station.
Station type Remote device station
Number of stations occupied 1, 2, 3 or 4 station
Protocol version Ver. 1.10
External dimensions 44W×100H×66D
Standard Price お問い合わせください


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     1 Babazusho, Nagaokakyo-city, Kyoto 617-8550
    e-mail : info_e@anywire.jp
  • [Korea]
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    Mail: info@anywire.jp